Yarn 15 Bookazine - Metamorphosis


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  • 16 patterns 
    • 12 crochet  
    • 4 knitting 
  • 23 different Scheepjes yarns 
  • 3 levels of difficulty  
    • 3 x beginner
    • 10 x intermediate
    • 3 x avanced
  • 2 inspiring artist interviews 
  • 3 feature articles

    During lockdowns, crafting while gazing out of our windows at flourishing wildness helped us find solace and see light at the end of the tunnel. Transformations of backyards and balconies stood out like never before, humble weeds in their unkempt glory appealed to imaginations, and the sounds of insects and birds caught our attention.  
    “During those long weeks of isolation, reflecting on the metamorphoses of the insects in our gardens, eventually we emerged as more conscious versions of ourselves – or so I like to believe.” Simy Somer   
    In YARN Bookazine 15 Metamorphosis, the theme of growth, change and awakening is represented through chapters inspired by insects that change form through the seasons. The 16 crochet and knitting patterns highlight how fibres and techniques can transform into a range of garments and accessories, such as airy tops and delicate shawls. 
    Playful homeware and toys offer bursts of colour to brighten the spaces where many of us felt ‘cocooned’. Embroidery enhances many designs, bringing our attention to the details of nature. The theme is further reflected in artist interviews and informative features, including a glimpse of how Scheepjes is supporting biodiversity.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Cassandra Curtis

    Immersive. The four themes are impactful and inspire creating the projects.

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